So the first week of practice began. Let me tell you, that first day was so awkward! There were eight new girls trying out for the team. We all acted so shy, and I immediately knew we needed an ice breaker.
The next day, I brought in a bag full of different kinds of candy. Attached to each piece of candy was a slip of paper with a question on it. For instance, a Tootsie Roll had the the question, "Tell us three things you did this summer". I had each girl pick three different kinds of candies. We went around the circle and each girl had to share their answers. Within minutes we were all laughing and sharing stories. I could immediately feel that awkwardness drifting away. I learned so much about each girl in just a few short minutes.
That second day of practice was a blast! We were all joking around and enjoying each other's company. After practice ended, I arranged for us all to go on a hike. We split the girls up into two cars. Of course, me being the whiz I am at directions, got us lost! We drove around for about an hour, but we did it with lots of laughs and sing-a-longs to songs on my iPod.
We finally arrived about an hour later than expected. This hike turned out to be one of the best experiences. Not only did we get some additional exercise, but we had to work as a team. At one point, to get down to a waterfall, we had to use ropes to climb down. Now, I know this was not a good idea because someone could have hurt themselves before the season, but the waterfalls are just so beautiful! So I encouraged the girls to work together and to help each other down the ropes. The girls were all thrilled with the sight of the falls. Trust me we took advantage of photo opts (later to be used for a gift for coach!).
The team still talks about this first week and how much fun we had. These early experiences really brought us together and was the foundation for our friendships that formed.